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Advertising and Sponsorship Policy is resolved to assist you in your journey toward a Happy and Healthy lifestyle; we are here to lift the burden of searching, for appropriate and accurate content regarding your health and wellness. The content and experiences produced by Yuvaap are scrutinized under strict editorial control to ensure accuracy and clarity. Yuvaap’s core content is not influenced by sponsors. Below are the general principles we adhere to

General Principles

  1. The content provided on our website represents our Ideology and thought process, Although products may appear on our site in the form of advertisements or affiliate links under no circumstances shall our acceptance of any ad be considered an endorsement of the product(s) and/or service(s) advertised, or for the company that manufactures, distributes, or promotes these product(s) or service(s)
  2. We maintain a distinct separation between advertisements and editorial content. All ads on Yuvaap are clearly and unambiguously identified as such. Clicking on an ad will take the user to an advertiser’s site or to a sponsor’s resource.
  3. Our content and opinion are utterly unbiased; we include fair and proportionate practices while creating our content. We do not support any paid propaganda or sponsorship.
  4. We partner with doctors, researchers, and practitioners for sessions; we value their knowledge and views but do not endorse them, and their thoughts are their independent assets.

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